Welcome to Esther's Blog

Welcome to Esther's Blog

The World According to Esther

SpinQuest- A Fun New SpinEvent in the DC Area!

I’m so excited to be a Sponsor of the new Creative Handspun Adventure, Spinquest! Along with Melissa Ricks (of Wild Hare Fiber) and Arlene Ciroula of Spin Artiste, we are bringing you a fun day of fiber, learning and creative fun to start the Fall season!

New Felting Obsessions creeps into my Studio!!

It’s so much fun to learn something new and expand the boundaries of what one can do as an artist with a particular medium. For me, my medium is fiber- and I’m constantly amazed by what it can do.

Spring Shop Updates- Lots coming!

Happy Spring!!  A little early, but I’m ready to wash some fleeces and dry outside!! It means lots of great stuff coming to the shop!

I’m in a new BOOK!

I’m so excited because a wonderful book has just been released called Handspun; New Spins on Traditional Techniques by Lexi Boeger (Pluckyfluff) and you can see one of my FringeSpun yarns as the example of Extreme Tailspinning!

A weekend with Lexi in Atlanta

Last weekend I had a super fun and inspiring weekend spinning yarn and eating great food (and drinking great wine) with my friend Lexi Boeger, Pluckyfluff, and the lovely ladies at the Atlanta workshop!