John C Campbell; A Week of Heaven in the Mountains
This July I spent a week teaching at the magical John C Campbell Folk School. Nestled in the Appalachian Mountains, it’s a creative hotspot for everyone who attends.
WeaveWeird in an Art Show!
I am so excited because this weekend is the opening reception for the I Got a Beer art show, being put on by Cigar City Brewery in Tampa Fla.
Art Yarn 201-Expressive Yarn Design & Other Awesome Workshops in 2016
As I’m getting ready for my first trip of the year, I am so excited for all the adventures that are coming. I am traveling every month to teach SOMEWHERE! I’m also teaching some amazing workshops this year, including my Art Yarn 201- Expressive Yarn Design!
#EpicThings Number 3 is a Wrap! Craftsy Class Coming Soon!!!!
Well, the silence is OVER!! All 3 things I have been working on (simultaneously) are finished and I can finally spill the beans!!
Weavers, Natural Dyeing, Fractal Spinning, a Sprinkle of StevenBe with a Dash of FoodPorn
A couple of weeks ago I had a jam-packed week in Minnesota! I love coming to Minneapolis, and this trip certainly didn’t disappoint. Food, Family, Steven Berg, yarn.. what more could a trip ask for?
Wild Times with Lexi Continue- Trunk Show, Book Signing & Workshop in Raleigh
Having hung out with Lexi in workshops all over, it was so fun to finally have her at my Yarn Shop! She was here for the weekend and we really had a blowout- full on fun times! We signed books, spun yarn, drank wine and ate great food.. I think we’ve memorized this pattern… yarn,food, […]
Happy Thanksgiving with a Spin Artiste Feature

Happy Thanksgiving! I hope everyone enjoyed a wonderful meal! So to aid digestion over the computer, I’m so excited to be the featured artist on the Spin Artiste website this weekend!