Tailspinning Airs on WLOS Craft Corner!
My second segment of WOLS Craft Corner aired today! SAFF is just around the corner, and this segment is a tutorial on tailspinning!
Celebrating Fall with SAFF!
What a wonderful way to celebrate Fall, with the Southeastern Animal Fiber Fair (SAFF). Teaching and vending- We packed the trailer and headed to Asheville, NC, which is nestled along the Blue Ridge Parkway in the Great Smoky Mountains.
Booth Locations Confirmed and Custom Listings Avaliable!
I can’t believe that Stitches Midwest is less than a month, and SAFF is just around the corner from that!! Since I have lots of fiber onhand- custom repeat listings have been added to the shop! I’m really excited because I have my booth locations confirmed for both festivals- and I have GREAT spots!!