WLOS Segments Air- How to Tailspin, Making Art Yarn Wreaths and Frame Weaving
Last Fall I spent a day in Asheville filming segments for WLOS ABC 13 Craft Corner segments. Over the last couple months 3 more segments aired and I just found them online.
Tailspinning Airs on WLOS Craft Corner!
My second segment of WOLS Craft Corner aired today! SAFF is just around the corner, and this segment is a tutorial on tailspinning!
Art Yarn Spinning Airs on Craft Corner, WLOS ABC 13 Asheville!
I’m so excited because my first segment that I filmed for AB 13 WLOS Asheville aired today! I am SO happy with how it turned out! As the first one filmed you can’t even tell I’m nervous!
Jazzturtle Hits the Small Screen!!
I’m so excited becauseĀ just had my big “TV” debut! Yesterday I was in Asheville filming for WLOS ABC Asheville’s news segment called “Craft Corner.