I’m going to start sharing when there are new things in the scene that are exciting!! In this pre-holiday season, there are 2 new books out that I highly recommend for both spinners and knitters alike.
The first book that is a must on every spinners shelf, is the Spinners Book of Fleece, by Beth Smith. This book goes in depth on not only the specifics of different breeds, but how the fibers react when washed, spun and worked. It’s far more comprehensive on the characteristics of the fiber than the Fleece and Fiber Sourcebook, which focuses more on the different breeds themselves. This book is particularly good for knitters, because it talks about how the different breeds behave as yarn- which is very helpful when deciding what kind of fiber to use for different uses.
The second must have of the season is by Cirilia Rose, called Magpies, Homebodies and Nomads. This is a wonderful book that features not only chic garments, but great patterns for those perfect one skeins that we have in our stash. She also is very creative in using locks for texture in her knitting. I think this book is of interest to spinners because not only are these patterns suitable for handspun, Cirilia shares her knowledge of color and trends, based on her experience as a stylist and creative director.
Photo by Dieuwke van Mulligen- taken with an amazing single skein of Kismet FiberWorks 50/50 Baby Camel/Silk.
She writes ” As Cirilia writes in her book “And yet I find myself still feeling the familiar magpie twitch when faced with a gorgeous skein”
I do have to disclose that both of these talented ladies are friends of mine, and we might have had a few good times together.
Speaking of Jacey, she also has a new cool thing going on.. her new Craftsy class on everything you wanted to know about drafting- Drafting from Worsted to Woolen! This will be super helpful for people who want to improve their technical spinning skills!
I’m heading to Texas on Friday morning of the workshop this weekend at WC Mercantile. There are still a few spots left if you would like to join us. There are one day options available!
New yarns are listing online today, and I’m planning a post Thanksgiving update that will have my new Fractal Ply Packs!! I will also be listing new finished items perfect for holiday gifting in the boutique after Thanksgiving as well.