Carolina Fiber Fest 2012
Carolina Fiber Fest will also hold a special place in my heart since it’s the first festival I ever had a real vending booth. It’s held during the Got to be NC AG Fest, so to say the Fairgrounds are hopping is an understatement!
SpinQuest- A Fun New SpinEvent in the DC Area!
I’m so excited to be a Sponsor of the new Creative Handspun Adventure, Spinquest! Along with Melissa Ricks (of Wild Hare Fiber) and Arlene Ciroula of Spin Artiste, we are bringing you a fun day of fiber, learning and creative fun to start the Fall season!
Wild Times with Lexi Continue- Trunk Show, Book Signing & Workshop in Raleigh
Having hung out with Lexi in workshops all over, it was so fun to finally have her at my Yarn Shop! She was here for the weekend and we really had a blowout- full on fun times! We signed books, spun yarn, drank wine and ate great food.. I think we’ve memorized this pattern… yarn,food, […]
I’m in a new BOOK!
I’m so excited because a wonderful book has just been released called Handspun; New Spins on Traditional Techniques by Lexi Boeger (Pluckyfluff) and you can see one of my FringeSpun yarns as the example of Extreme Tailspinning!
Two New Workshops Scheduled and a Change to the Pluckyfluff Apex Workshop!
I’m excited to share 2 new workshops that have been booked for the Fall and Winter- Heading back to Atlanta and a workshop close to home in Fayetville NC! We’ve also had to bump the Pluckyfluff workshop back a few weeks due to scheduling snafu.. read on for more info..
Pluckyfluff is Coming to Town!
I’m SO excited to share with everyone.. I’ve been holding it in and I’ve wanted to burst! Now that the book is in final production I can spill a bit of the beans since I know it’s for sure happening…. I”M IN LEXI BOEGER’S NEW BOOK!! I’m so excited!!