Welcome to Esther's Blog

Welcome to Esther's Blog

The World According to Esther

Preview my NEW Craftsy Class!

I can’t believe it’s just a couple weeks until the launch date of my new Craftsy class, Fiber Preparations for Spinning ( though it’s for felters and weavers too!)

#EpicThings 1 and 2!! Interweave Videos are Coming!!

I know I have been quiet over the last couple of months. I have been hinting at some pretty #epicthings happening here, behind the scenes.  I’ve talked about the process to build the addition that will be my studio…  and now I can announce 2 of the biggest- my first INTERWEAVE PRESS VIDEOS!!!

Lake Coast fun at Michigan Fiber Festival

It was so much fun returning to my beloved Lake Michigan coast for the Michigan Fiber Festival, last month.  Though I may be on the other side of The Lake from Sweet Home Chicago, the Midwest love didn’t fail.

Yarn for the Sake of Yarn- SPINZILLA Blogtour

The entire idea of Spinzilla is to spin as much yarn as you can in a week.  That’s pretty much my entire Fall, when I’m preparing for Southeastern Animal Fiber Fair!! So how do you go about doing that? Spinning lots or yarn fast- no projects in mind, just yarn for the sake of just […]