Mental Health and the Power of Creating: Fiber Arts

Meditation has been proven to help focus, reduce anxiety and increase energy. It takes many forms; not just sitting in lotus position, chanting OM. My meditation has many forms- from coloring, and journaling, to knotting malas and doing Reiki. May is “mental health month”, and as it’s on its final day, I thought I would […]
TOMORROW.. tomorrow, I love you…

You’re only a day a way.. well, plus a few hours since I’m scheduled at 3:45pm!! But it’s finally here!!
PlyAway- An Infusion of Creative Energy
Each year, in Kansas City, a worldwide gathering of spinners happens (often in the lobby of the hotel) that sparks the soul.
Community, aka Our Tribe
My friend, Amy King, posted yesterday about Community. Our community. THIS community. A Tribe of OUR PEOPLE!!
Awesome Books to Spend your Time With!
I love books! We are so lucky in the fiber art community, that we have great books being published both in actual “book” form, and digital format
2 Special Workshops Added to the Spring!
I’m so excited because I’ve added 2 very special one day workshops to my Spring schedule, at a couple of my most favorite artist studios!
Preview my NEW Craftsy Class!
I can’t believe it’s just a couple weeks until the launch date of my new Craftsy class, Fiber Preparations for Spinning ( though it’s for felters and weavers too!)
Lake Coast fun at Michigan Fiber Festival
It was so much fun returning to my beloved Lake Michigan coast for the Michigan Fiber Festival, last month. Though I may be on the other side of The Lake from Sweet Home Chicago, the Midwest love didn’t fail.