Spring Festivals Here We Come!!
The time of year we all love is upon us! SPRING!! Spring to me means fleeces, baby lambs and kids on the farms, and FESTIVALS!! Things are in crazy mode here as we begin our season in one week from today!
New Workshops Booked- Stitches South, NOLA and Back to Holland!
I’m so excited because this has been a very busy week for booking workshops! I have a bunch of new things on the calender that I’m very excited about!
Hot-Lanta! Great time at Stitches South 2012!
This was my second year at Stitches South, and though I thought it wasn’t possible, we had a BETTER time this year then last year!
Coming Full Circle- Stitches South, Maryland Sheep and Wool and Carolina Fiber Fest
Wow.. I can’t believe it’s been a year since the first big fiber festival I ever vended.. Carolina Fiber Fest 2010. SO MUCH has happened in the last year.. and I’m still trying to process it all.. I’m still trying to figure how how i’m going to DO IT all.. but it’s all a work […]