Welcome to Esther's Blog

Welcome to Esther's Blog

The World According to Esther

Post SAFF Shop update!!

SAFF was so fantastic- and I brought home plenty of goodies to share with the shops! New yarns will come mid November, but this week I’ll list fiber- art batts, hand dyed tops, and hand dyed locks and fleece.

Yarns Spun and Goodies Aquired from Yarnival 2011!

Yarnival wasn’t just amazing for my creative soul- it was also incredible for my shopping habit! Luckily I was able to “pay” with fiber, and everyone was happy! I also got way more spinning done than I realized! I got some really funky yarns spun!!  Here’s the photos of all my booty from the Yarnival, […]

Booth Locations Confirmed and Custom Listings Avaliable!

I can’t believe that Stitches Midwest is less than a month, and SAFF is just around the corner from that!!  Since I have lots of fiber onhand- custom repeat listings have been added to the shop!  I’m really excited because I have my booth locations confirmed for both festivals- and I have GREAT spots!! 

Weekend in Asheville- The Summer Retreat

We had a wonderful time in Asheville a couple of weeks ago! There’s such a great fiber community- we really enjoy participating in the Friends and Fiberworks retreats!

A Tour Through My Studio

I’ve gotten lots of requests to show off my “batt cave”  It really is a ‘cave’ since I only have an 11×10 room as my studio- but I have made it into a very special creative home.