Welcome to Esther's Blog

Welcome to Esther's Blog

The World According to Esther

Summer Adventure Part 2- Stitches Midwest and Twist Festival

The second part of the whirlwind summer adventure was spent in Chicago and then French Canada!  We played with yarn and fiber at Stitches Midwest, then played with more yarn and fiber at the Twist Fiber Festival- with more playing with yarn and fiber, and a few museums and shopping in between!

Summer Adventure Part 1- Cruise to the Bahamas

What a summer it has been! Full of amazing of travels, yarn and fiber! HUGE Adventures around every corner. First I was in Copenhagen and Holland, and then only 3 weeks later, Vithard and I taught a cruise to the Bahamas!

Stitches South and SWAY Festival- Vacation Wrapped up in Shows!

These last few weeks have been a whirlwind of color and fiber and driving and oysters. It was all so much fun, it made all the months of work prepping and the hard work it takes to do a huge show.. but it’s all worth it. Especially when you get a vacation included.

Exclusive New Patterns for JazzTurtle Yarns!

I’m so excited because I’ve been working with some amazing designers who are writing patterns with and for Jazzturtle Yarns. So often I’m asked, “But what can I DO with it?” that I thought it was time to answer with more than just “Everything!”

Boot Toppers go Celebrity!

Who knew that the boot toppers would be this much of a craze?  Well.. I knew.. but that’s another story! This October I had the first pair go to a celebrity!! I’m SO excited!!

My New Partner- SAORI Loom is Here!!

I’m so excited! I have been wanting a SAORI loom for a couple years and I finally have been able to purchase one for my studio. This loom is amazing and is the perfect partner to textured and artisan yarns! I feel like my other half has arrived!